The Supplies You Need to Build a Fence

Building a Fence

A fence is a great way to keep your property protected, and it can also be an attractive addition to your yard. If you want to build a fence on your own, there are some supplies that you will need in order to do so. In this blog post, we will go over what those supplies are and how much they cost.

  • Hardware : the screws, nails and other hardware that you will need to assemble your fence. For example, if it is a wooden fence then you will need materials like knotting or galvanized steel wire staples. You can find these items at almost any home improvement store for under $15 dollars each.
  • Wood: the wood that goes into making your fence. You will need to know what type of wood you want and the dimensions that you would like it at. There are many different options available, including cedar, redwood and pine which come in various thicknesses as well as lengths. The price for a basic amount of these types of materials can start around $20-$30.
  • Concrete: the concrete that you will need to pour in order to stabilize your fence. This is especially important if you are building a wooden fence because it provides support and keeps the wood from rotting or warping over time. You can find these materials at any home improvement store for under $20 dollars each.

Other Supplies

While these are the main fence building supplies that you will need, there are some other items that may come in handy. For example, if your fencing project is very large then you might want to consider renting equipment like an auger or power saws from your local hardware store. This can save time and money overall because it allows for more efficient work and can make the job much easier.

  • Roofing nails (for wood posts)
  • Screws (galvanized steel wire staples for wooden fence)
  • A post hole digger or auger
  • Drill with drill bits
  • Tape measure, square and level

Metro Fence is a great company that sells all roofing supplies in Denver, Colorado. They sell individual supplies along with full fences for sale. If you don’t live in Colorado, they’d be happy to answer any questions you have about fences!

Metro Fence

8335 Quebec Street

Commerce City, Colorado 80022

