Starting A Bounce House Business

You may have questions or concerns about starting a business, so I’ve compiled the following 10 Questions and Answers for starting a bounce house rental business to help prospective and current owners understand how things work.

  1. How long will it take to find a customer for a bounce house rental? It depends on a few main factors: who you need to get customers for your business b. Do your customers know how to use a bounce house? c. Do you get calls from your business offering bounce house rental services? d. Do your customers know where to go for the products?
  2. Alternatively, if you are using top of the line inflatable material, should I advertise the fact that it just cost a few extra bucks to rent inflatable fabric bounce houses? Nobody will know the difference between a regular rubber- Brazil bounce or a Feeler brand worker bounce! This is just business 101. If a potential customer is impressed enough with your display, many, and many of them, will be in need of a new indoor play area.
  3. How many buzz-generating stops can I get at one time? When you plan your company’s launch, you have to make sure you can generate buzz at multiple visits.
  4. Is the bounce house rental high return-on-investment? Yes! The return is measured in time. When a kid sees an impressive 20-foot sprinkler stop on the playground, they are going to be intrigued. They’re going to want to know more. That’s why the target market for bouncy tent is such a large catering crowd during summer.
  5. Am I able to make much money providing a bounce house rental service to small businesses? Yes! When you have a great product that performs incredibly well and a great marketing and sales system in place, you can make a lot of cash if you put in a lot of work into your events. Think about it. ANY sized company can benefit from a bouncy bounce house rental.
  6. Do I need an entertainment insurance policy? Yes! By law, entertainers and personal appearance companies and services must provide entertainment insurance.
  7. Can I find a high-capacity, high gross margin rental generator? Sometimes, especially when you are first starting out, you might want to look into a high-performance mobile generator that can serve multiple rental locations at once. If your rental rates are $15 per leg of service, you still have high gross margins.
  8. Am I sure that I can handle everyday transactions? You have to manage your own insurance needs and your own day-to-day banking money processing to make a profit. Also, you’ll have extra liability if a customer insists on paying your property maintenance and licensing fees after you closed a deal.
  9. How much do I have to pay a tax man to earn tax savings? Depending on where you live, you can earn significant tax savings with your correct info. It ranks very high on the tax savings scale.
  10. Do I need to have a partnerships trust to incorporate? Some rattling Administrative entrepreneurial bone might want you to file as a sole proprietor, even though you have people that work for you in your business. You can always determine your legal status as an individual and the headaches that go with it. As a general rule of thumb, take the first thing that the IRS gives you and look at doing business as another individual-not a partnership.