A guide to changing a flat tyre

If you own a vehicle of any kind, being able to change your own tyre in the event of a puncture, or for any other reason, is an incredibly valuable skill to have.

Many people shy away from the idea, thinking that the process is far more complicated than it actually is, leaving themselves in difficult situations that could easily have been avoided.

In this guide we will walk you through the basics of changing a car tyre, meaning that if you ever find yourself standard with a flat tyre and no mobile to call for help, you will be able to help yourself.

What do you need to change a tyre

tyre fitting service

Not much, as it happens. In fact, everything that you need to change your tyre should come with your vehicle and are easy to replace if you bought a car second hand and they were not already there.

All you need to change a standard car tyre is a spare tyre, a jack, a wrench, and the vehicle manual.

If you do indeed find that you don’t have any of these in your car, replace them as soon as possible. They are essential pieces of equipment that all car owners should have.

You should also carry a torch and gloves, in case you need to change a tyre in the dark.

A guide to replacing a flat tyre

Before you begin the process of replacing a flat tyre, you first need to find a safe location to do so.

If you have a sudden blowout, you might not have a whole lot of choice, but try to find a flat empty area with few other people around. If you are very near a busy road, especially a motorway, do not try and change your tyre, call for help and stay clear of the carriageway.

Once you have found a safe location, turn on your hazard lights to alert other motorists to your presence and apply the handbrake.

Then loosen the wheel nuts until their resistance is broken. Do not remove them fully however.

After that place the jack under the vehicle and lift is from the ground safely using the jack instruction manual. Once around 6 inches from the ground, fully unscrew the wheel nuts and pull the flat tyre free. NEVER put any part of your body under the car once lifted using a jack.

Insert the spare tyre and replace the wheel nets, lower the vehicle, fully tighten the wheel nuts, and check the pressure on the spare tyre to ensure it is roadworthy.

If you don’t have a suitable spare tyre in your vehicle, don’t have the required tools or confidence to change your tyre yourself, or are stuck at the roadside and changing the tyre safely is not an option, don’t panic. This is exactly what mobile tyre fitters are for. Simply visit mobiletyres.co.uk and arrange for an experienced REACT trained fitter to come to your location immediately.

7 top tips for boiler maintenance

Purchasing a new boiler is a major investment, and not one that you want to have to make again in the near future. After having a new boiler installed, it is crucial that you look after it properly and carry out regular maintenance to maximise performance and lifespan.

Do this, and you will enjoy efficient and reliable heat in your property for the next 10-15 years with little risk of expensive call outs for same day boiler repairs or replacement being required.

As one of the UK’s leading boiler repair and replacement companies, here is our guide to some of the best ways to look after your boiler in the years to come.

Get your boiler serviced every year

This is perhaps the most important piece of advice in this blog. Annual boiler repairs will keep your boiler in tip-top condition, help to identify and resolve any issues before they become serious, and ensure that your warranty remains valid.

A new boiler will usually come with a warranty somewhere in the region of 5-10 years, providing cover against expensive repairs in the event that something goes wrong. Almost all of these warranties will come with the stipulation that the boiler must be serviced every 12 months in order to keep it valid.

The reason for this is that boiler companies are well aware that the risk of a breakdown is dramatically increased when regular servicing is carried out. Boiler services should only ever be conducted by a trained and qualified Gas Safe Engineer who has the skills and training to identify issues and safely carry out investigation and repair work.

Bleed your radiators

Trapped air inside your radiators will prevent water from flowing and heat from spreading evenly. You should bleed your radiators as a matter of routine but if you notice that they are cold at the top and warm at the bottom, this is likely a sign that a bleed is required and should be carried out as soon as possible.

Bleeding radiators is a pretty simple task that simply involves turning the key into your bleed valve to release trapped pressurised air. You will normally hear a hissing sound when you do this as the air escapes and should put an old towel or cloth down to catch any escaping liquid.

Keep an eye on the colour of the boiler flame

Contrary to what you might think, the flame inside your boiler should not be orange or yellow like a wood burning fire, but should be a blue colour.

In fact, if it is not blue, this could be a sign of a carbon monoxide leak, a very serious concern, or there may be other issues with the internal workings of the boiler itself. Either way, it’s time to call a professional Gas Safe Engineer as soon as possible.

Watch out for leaks

You might imagine that it is only gas leaks that are a serious cause for concern coming from your boiler. You would be wrong. Whilst water leaks might not pose quite as severe a direct threat to human life as a carbon monoxide leak, they should still be resolved as soon as possible.

Leaking is often a sign of corroded pipes and much worse could be right around the corner if immediate action is not taken. Hidden leaks can also cause damp patches to appear and mould growth to follow shortly behind so the best thing to do is  act quickly to avoid further damage being done.

Let your boiler breathe

One of the most common mistakes we see from boiler owners is storing possessions too close to their boiler in their cupboards. Boilers need sufficient ventilation to work safely and effectively so keep the nearby area free of clutter for the best results.

Use your boiler during the summer

boiler pressure

During the summer months, the last thing that you can probably imagine doing is firing up your home heating system, but it is actually very important that you don’t leave your boiler sitting dormant for too long.

The longer that your boiler goes without being used, the higher the chance of blockages occurring and the lower the chances of a breakdown. Even if your boiler does have an issue when you fire it up during the summer, it is much better to find them now than in the winter when you would be left shivering whilst waiting for an emergency Gas Safe Engineer to arrive.

Keep your pipes insulated

During the winter, frozen pipes are a serious concern, especially if you are going away for a few days and won’t be using your boiler. Make sure to set your boiler to come on at regular times and insulate your pipes so that the risk of the fluid within falling below freezing is minimised.

The environmental benefits of new window installation

Double glazing has been lauded as critical in the fight against global warming for many years now, but as the climate emergency worsens, it has never been more important that all property owners invest in energy efficient windows.

Reducing your carbon footprint is far from the only benefit of replacing your old windows with new modern double or triple glazed units and with energy prices at an all time high, using as little heat as possible whilst remaining safe and comfortable is as important for your wallet as it is for the planet.

Unfortunately, despite the upgrade being judged as an essential home improvement for many years now, many properties across the UK are still without double glazing due to a lack of promised investment from the Government, among other issues. Furthermore, window technology has advanced massively over the past decade and many double glazed windows are now also outdated and fail to meet the current industry standard for energy efficiency.

In this article, we will look at the environmental impact of switching to more energy efficient double glazing or even triple glazing, both for your home and for the nation as a whole in meeting net-zero obligations.

What is double glazing?

stylish windows

You almost certainly now that double glazing involves two panes of glass being fitted into a single window frame rather than one. Why, exactly, this improves energy efficiency however, and the technology involved, is less well known.

Besides simply putting another layer between you and the outside world, making it harder for cold air to get in and warm air to get out, these panes are separated by a layer of argon gas, a substance that creates a much more effective barrier than glass alone.

This gas limits heat transfer through the window unit and helps you to keep your home warm without having to use your home heating system as frequently or for as long a time. For obvious reasons, there is no space for this layer of gas in a single glazed window and we often find that much of it has escaped from older double glazed windows meaning that they are no longer as efficient as they once were.

It is estimated that around 1% of argon gas escapes from double glazing every year, meaning that if you have had your windows for 10 years, they will have lost around a fifth of the energy efficiency boost it provided in the first place. If a seal breaks or the window comes away from the frame, all the gas may well escape leaving you with far less efficient windows, not to mention some chilly breezes during the summer.

Nowadays, modern double glazing is not only fitted with argon gas but also a range of other features designed specifically to reduce heat loss including energy reflecting glazing bead and thermos-spacer bars.

What about triple glazing?

Triple glazing offers even more impressive rates of energy efficiency, due to the addition of another layer of glass and argon gas. As it stands, double glazing remains the industry standard for double glazing Edinburgh, but as environmental standards rise, along with the cost of energy, many people are choosing to get ahead of the game and invest in triple glazing that future proofs their home for decades to come.

How does double and triple glazing help the environment?

triple glazing

Simply put, the less heat that escapes from your windows and doors the less you will need to use your gas boiler or other home heating system and the fewer emissions you will produce as a result.

The UK Government has made pledges to slash the country’s carbon emissions, and has passed laws committing to reaching net zero by 2050. If this is to be achieved, home heating requires a complete revolution with gas boilers accounting for a huge percentage of the total emissions produced across the nation.

As part of this agreement, all properties in the UK must undergo certain energy saving improvements, and the installation or double and triple glazing is right at the top of this list. It is estimated that simply replacing all the single glazing on period properties across the nation with brand new energy efficient double glazing could save around 700kg of carbon emissions putting us well on track for net zero.

Double glazing has become such a necessity that there are now grants available to those looking. To make the upgrade from single glazing and all new properties are now fitted with double glazing, as a minimum, as standard.

If your home has single glazing, or double glazing over 10 years old, you will benefit significantly from new window installation. Contact your local windows installation expert for more information or to arrange for a free survey.

5 things you must do if you are falsely accused of a crime

Being accused of a crime, especially one that you didn’t commit, can be overwhelming and extremely upsetting.

It can be tempting to act rashly out of shock and anger at the news, but this is the worst thing that you can possibly do in the situation. Even if you know that you had nothing to do with the incident in question you still need to prove it, possibly in a court of law, and the actions you take at this early stage are absolutely critical to the outcome of the case.

If you have a recently been falsely accused or charged with a crime you weren’t responsible for, following these 5 key steps will help to protect yourself from conviction and could well be the difference between being found innocent or guilty.

man being accused

1)    Hire a lawyer

The very first thing that anyone should do when accused or charged with a criminal offence is to hire a qualified criminal lawyer. This holds true no matter the truth or otherwise behind the claims and it is particularly important that those who have been falsely accused of a crime have appropriate legal representation to help them prove it.

Far too many people who have been falsely accused believe that as they are innocent of the crime that the charges will simply go away eventually and don’t even consider the threat of being found guilty until it is too late. The moment you suspect you may be charged, contact an expert criminal defence lawyer in your area who specialises in false accusation law.

They will ensure that you are fully represented throughout the entire process, protecting your rights, and helping you to build your case and counter the charges against you. The perfect lawyer for you will depend on the type of crime it is that you are being accused of and it is important to find someone who specialises in that area of law and false accusation law. For example, if you are accused of a violent crime, find a lawyer who specialises in fighting violent crime cases, and so on.

2)    Stay calm

Being accused of a crime you didn’t commit is a horrible feeling and feelings of anger and frustration are understandable. Acting on these feelings, however, is only going to end up with you in more hot water and could give more weight to the charges against you.

No matter what happens in the days and weeks following an accusation staying calm is essential, even if those closest to you believe you may be guilty. Impulsive actions never end well for criminal defendants and calmly processing events as they occur and acting only when your lawyer tells you to will give you the best possible chance of the charges being dropped or being acquitted in court.

3)    Stay away from the accuser

False accusation law

When it comes to impulsive actions that could threaten your future and increase the risk of a guilty verdict, approaching or confronting your accuser is right at the top of the list.

If you know the accuser personally and used to be close, it can be tempting to go directly to them to try and talk things out and convince them to drop the charges. Bear in mind, however, that if they could be convinced not to press charges after a single conversation, it is unlikely that they would have made the accusation in the first place. Once facing your accuser, the chances of acting rashly rise significantly and you may well end up saying or doing something that you later come to regret and derails your case completely.

In no circumstances should you threaten your accuser or offer them something to drop the charges. If this information comes up in court, your actions could give the impression of guilt to a jury.

4)    Have a lawyer present at all interviews and negotiations

If you are taken in by the police in regards to a crime you didn’t commit, it can be tempting to assume that it is a misunderstanding and a quick chat at the police station will iron everything out.

This may well be the case, but you still shouldn’t engage in any interviews with the police or prosecution without your lawyer present. You have a legal right to a lawyer at all stages of the criminal process and it is critical that you use this right.

5)    Never resist arrest

False accusations can often be overturned quickly by a skilled criminal lawyer but if you resist when you are arrested or confront the police you might find yourself in serious legal trouble outside of the initial charges.

The last thing you need is to get a criminal record as a consequence of a misunderstanding and if the case does proceed, resisting arrest is not a great look as it could imply guilt.

How to choose a family solicitor

Family Lawyer Clarkston

There are a huge range of companies across the UK offering family law services and knowing who to choose can be a difficult decision.

Many people looking for a family solicitor are going through a highly emotional time and the last thing you need is to waste your time trawling through unsuitable candidates.

You need someone discreet and effective, who will build a relationship with you and fight on your behalf, with an in-depth knowledge of the law and a proven record of resolving disputes in situations similar to yours.

To help you narrow down your search here are 7 of the most important questions to ask when considering a potential family law solicitor.

– Who is in charge?

Finding a solicitor who is highly respected and qualified shouldn’t be too difficult, but if you decide to use their services you need to be sure they are the one who will take charge of your case.

The last thing you need is for all the task of managing your case to be farmed out to the new guy who is far less experienced and lacks the suitable qualifications.

The best family solicitors will utilise their support staff to ensure nothing is overlooked but still be available to their clients if needed and be at the helm to make any major decisions.

– Are they experienced?

Having been in the industry for a long time is not, on its own, enough to guarantee the quality of a family solicitor but it is a strong indicator that they will have experience of dealing with similar cases in the past.

Far more important than the number of years they have been practicing law for is how much experience they have that is relevant to the specifics of your case and their track record of resolving similar scenarios.

– Do they specialise in family law?

It may be tempting to hire the most well-respected lawyer in your area or stick with a firm that has served you well in the past, but this may not be the best idea in a family law case

There are many different areas of expertise in law, and family law is one of the most complex forms of litigation.

Just because a lawyer has a fantastic record in a criminal court, does not mean that they have the finesses to deal with the highly charged atmosphere of family law and it is always best to check

– Are they accredited?

If you are unsure how to judge if a solicitor has the relevant expertise for your needs, there are a number of accreditations that you can look out for that suggests a family lawyer is trustworthy.

For example, being a member of Resolution is a sign that a law firm is committed to resolving family issues in a non-confrontational manner and possesses a certain level of knowledge and expertise in family law.

The law society are another respected professional body that runs accreditation schemes for family law, and membership can be considered a sign of skill and trustworthiness.

– Are they respected?

There is no better way to judge the quality of a family lawyer’s work that to hear the opinions of previous clients

Many family lawyers have client testimonials available on their website which will give you a better idea of what you can expect from their services and the values of the firm in question.

If you see the testimonial of a client who was in a situation similar to the one you are now, and their situation was satisfactorily resolved, it will give you peace of mind, and a bit more confidence that you are making the right decision.

– Do they offer mediation?

Many family disputes can be resolved through mediation, encouraging a participatory resolution through communication and negotiation.

Mediation is not the same as legal representation, but some solicitors will also offer mediation services.

If a firm does offer mediation, they will be able to determine whether or not your case could be resolved in such a way and refer you to an experienced mediator to give you the best possible chance of success.

– What is their plan?

Sometimes, the most straightforward questions are the best. 

Simply asking a potential family lawyer clarkston how they intend to resolve your case is the best way to judge if your thoughts align and you will be able to work well together.

In family law cases going to court should always be the last resort as it can cause unnecessary stress and is extremely expensive.

Mediation or an out or court solution should always be a family solicitor’s go-to choice, and if not, it may be worth looking elsewhere.

Do security cameras lead to lower insurance premiums?


Every business owner knows just how important it is to protect your business from burglary, vandalism, and other forms of criminal activity.

It is impossible to be too careful when it comes to the safety of your property and most importantly your staff and customers.

CCTV installation is globally recognised as one of the very best Construction site security measures you can take but an often overlooked benefit is that you could actually see a reduction in your insurance premiums after your cameras are in place.

However, this is not an exact science, and the is no guarantee on how much lower your premiums will be or even if you will receive a discount at all.

This article will give you all the information you need about how insurance premiums are calculated, the effect that CCTV installation could have, and how much you could expect to save.

Will installing CCTV reduce my insurance premiums?

A simple question, but the answer is a bit more complicated.

The short answer is yes, in most situations, but this will depend on a number of different factors.

Many insurance companies are only willing to offer a discount on their premiums if you install a monitored security system, for example.

This involves a professional security firm monitoring your CCTV, and probably your intruder alarm system, from a central monitoring station, to ensure a swift response to any emergencies.

Should a member of staff spot an introduction via CCTV or your alarm is triggered, this will immediately be registered at the monitoring station.

A team of security guards will then instantly be sent to investigate, and the emergency services notified if required.

Such an effective rapid response service will dramatically reduce the risk of loss and damages on your business premises and almost always result in a reduction in insurance premiums of some kind.

Why do insurance companies offer discounts for CCTV installation?

Insurance firms are companies just like yours and will only make a commitment if they believe that they will make a profit.

For this reason, the only time that they would reduce their premiums would be if they believe the chances of an expensive claim have been reduced also.

It could be argued that no security measure reduces the risk of a criminal claim as much as an integrated or temporary CCTV system meaning that installation is often connected directly to a fall in premiums.

Before you go any further with your CCTV installation, contact your insurer to check what system type they favour as this could play a role in deciding the size of the discount.

Remember, however, that security and safety should always come first, so if your security firm makes a suggestion that doesn’t align with your insurance company’s policy, paying a bit extra for the increased security, or changing insurance provider is your best bet.

Why might an insurance company not reduce your insurance?

Even if you do go ahead and have a CCTV system installed, this is no guarantee of a discount on your premiums.

Some companies prefer integrated monitored alarm systems over CCTV, for example, as the audio warning triggered when the alarm is activated is considered more of an active deterrent than CCTV systems that allow for observation alone.

A combination of the two, however, is even better and will almost always result in a discount.

Many modern CCTV systems come equipped with A.I technologies such as virtual tripwires that work in a very similar manner to motion detection alarms and will even issue a customisable audio warning to intruders caught on camera.

It is also worth noting that although CCTV may not act as an active crime prevention measure in the same way as a security guard, many potential intruders will be put off from targeting your site by the presence of cameras alone.

This will significantly reduce the number of incidents you have to deal with, a fact that will not go unnoticed by underwriters responsible for judging risk and determining insurance premiums.

How much can you save?

As shown above, calculating the savings you will make on your insurance by installing CCTV is not an exact science.

However, in general, you can expect to see a reduction of around 10-20% following the installation of a high-quality monitored camera set-up.

It is important to note that if your property is considered high-risk for other reasons, such as a high crime rate in the area, high debt in the company, or a history of major insurance claims, installing a CCTV system will only do so much.

There is also the upfront cost of installation to consider, CCTV system are not cheap, however, research has shown that the criminal activity they will prevent means that in most circumstances they will more than pay for themselves over time.

Why is security so important on construction sites

Security Guard

If you work in the construction industry you will understand just how important a secure site is to avoiding criminal damage, staying on budget, and maintaining health and safety regulations

Theft and vandalism cost the UK construction industry £800m a year, with 1 in 5 sites reporting weekly thefts of materials or equipment according to a survey by the Chartered Institute of Building.

For this reason alone, it is essential that you have excellent construction site security in place or your project will quickly become a financial nightmare, delaying builds by months, and leading to unhappy customers that can damage your reputation.

What security threats do construction sites face?


By their very nature, construction sites are attractive targets to thieves.

Construction projects require a huge amount of expensive equipment, materials, and vehicles that it is not practical to remove at the end of every working day and must be stored on site.

The most common targets of theft include open sheds or containers, expensive building materials such as copper pipes, and power tools left unattended.

Once workers have gone home the risk of criminal activity rises significantly and it is essential that you have both a manned guard presence and remote monitoring technology in place to ensure your site is protected.


Open construction sites are also vulnerable to vandalism and given that these crimes tend to be more impulsive than theft it is unlikely that deterrents will be effective in stopping such incidents.

It is, therefore, essential that you have security in place to identify and either intercept intruders as quickly as possible or gather evidence to secure a conviction and successful insurance claim post-event.

If such protection is not in place, you could find yourself losing thousands of pounds every project replacing and repairing damaged property.


Construction sites have plenty of unavoidable hazards including working machinery and heavy objects being moved around on a constant basis.

This means that the risk of workplace injury is higher than in most other industries. A comprehensive security system can help you make sure that the safety protocols you have put in place to help mitigate the risk of injury are being followed.

A CCTV system can also protect you against false liability claims as you will be able to prove that any incidents that do occur were not caused as a result of your negligence.


If workers are aware that they may be under observation whilst on site they are likely to work harder and progress will be made at a much faster rate.

You will also be able to use your security system to identify any areas of the site that are not as productive as others and take steps to resolve this whether by speaking to staff or reallocating resources.

Construction Site Security Methods

Prime Secure have been delivering the latest security solutions to customers in the construction industry for over 25 years and offers a range of options to help you develop a comprehensive security system.

Effective construction site security methods include:


As well as catching thieves and vandals in the act and being key to securing prosecutions, CCTV is a fantastic way to prevent crime from occurring at all.

CCTV acts as a visual deterrent and most thieves will move on from your site once they see you have a system in place to look elsewhere for an easier target.

Your cameras can also be used by your security staff to locate ongoing situations and provide a fast response.

Security Guards

SIA licensed security guards from Prime Secure will help you keep your site protected against intruders, acting not only as a visual deterrent but using their years of experience to identify and eradicate weak spots in your existing security system.

On larger construction sites, frequent dedicated patrols from security officers are essential to keeping an eye on what is going on, preventing crime, and keeping your staff and property secure.

If an incident does occur, security guards are fully trained in conflict resolution, have contacts with the emergency services, and will often be able to stop criminals in the act.

Access Control

Controlling who is on your construction site at any time is the key to effective security.

Prime Secure’s V-Stile biometric access control systems ensure only authorised personal are able to enter your site and come in a variety of forms from mobile and tablet devices to lockable turnstile systems.

The biometric nature of this turnstile offers an additional level of security to traditional entry gate systems as they use the physical data of registered users as opposed to a key card that can be borrowed or stolen.
